1. Child care = least paid, least respected.  Don't choose this work -be chosen. 
  2. Your life purpose needs to run through your veins and you need to know this is the purpose for your life.
  3. Because you like it. 
  4. It is fun.
  5. To make a difference in children's lives, to see progress. 
  6. To help a child grow in self-esteem and make good experiences happen.
  7. You like diversity
  8. Never boring
  9. You like to feel needed.
            *          The children need you and worship you
  1. There will always be a job for you - high demand.
  2. It is a challenge
  3. There is a lot to learn
What qualities do you need?
  1. Must be flexible
  2. Sense of humor
  3. Energy
  4. Patience
  5. Character
  6. Maturity in order to guide the children
Why not teach?
  1. Not regarded highly
  2. Low pay unless you own a business but limited
  3. Long hours
  4. Crowded, noisy, menial duties
  1. It is your ethical responsibility to stand up for what is best for young children.  Make children a national priority.  You can't speak for your self.  The power lies with administrator and legislators. Join together, persists and remain advocates for children your whole life.
What should you teach a 3 year old?
  1. colors
  2. Shapes
  3. Matching
  4. Categorizing
  5. Seriating
  6. Self help - dressing
What should you teach a 4 year old?
  1. ABC‘s
  2. Numbers
  3. Address
  4. Phone #
  5. Write name
  1. Matching
  2. Sorting, classification, categorization
  3. Sequencing
  4. Patterning
  5. Seriating - small to large
                        Teaching these skills instead of reading is DAP.  All reach the same level of reading by Grade 2.
  1. Make it fun.  If your not fun, you're doing something wrong & learning isn't happening.
    1. Never drill, get angry & cold.
    2. Teach excitement and enthusiasm for learning.
  1. Learning should be a walk of discovery, not a race to the finish line.
It should be a shared experience instead of teaching where something must be done by the teacher. Experience it together, child has much to offer.
  1. Child must be actively involved to learn.  The object is not the story but the child's response to it that counts.
  2. Be sure the message of love get through.  Be loving.
  3. Risk looking silly, loosing perfect discipline, and showing emotion.
  4. Eye to eye contact.  Sit so this can happen.
  5. Attention span:  5 to 10 min. on one thing.  Change often.
  6. Reward accomplishments - treasure box and certificates
  1. Learning is not something we do to the child, it comes from within. 
  2. A good learner:
    1. loves learning
    2. eager discoverer
    3. wants to know
  3. Know child inside and out.
  4. Focus on what the child is feeling.
            -Avoid putting adult ideas into children's heads.
Be a skillful observer:
  1. What most attracts the child's attention?
  2. What action schemes is the child repeating?
  3. What consequences is the child producing with his actions?
  4. What does the child say as he explores and who is it directed at?
  5. How does he cope with momentary distractions?
  6. Does he integrate the actions of others into his own play?
  7. Listen carefully to questions asked by the child.  It   contains an assumption about the world held by the child & gives the teacher ideas for learning encounter.
  8. Play with the child and imitate, thus the child will imitate you.
  9. Present novel variations on the theme.
  10. Change the play to expand it, unobtrusively introduce new ways of doing things. 
  11. Be a source of challenge and exploration.



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